Building Design Planner

Use machine learning to predict a building design. Our algorithm searches data gathered over 1,000 building construction projects worldwide.
Enter a number between 1 & 300.
Gross floor area: m2
Building location:
Building type:
Discover more about how this tool works here
Our algorithm found data from similar projects to generate the prediction.
This tool is optimised for buildings 5 floors or greater.
Time to complete years
Cost $
Height m
Similar projects to yours:
Project name Floors Type City/location Region Project completion

Further information

How to calculate the cost of constructing a building?
  • Calculating the cost of building construction can be complex but it can be broken down into several steps. First, you need to determine the size and complexity of the building and the materials that will be used. You need to take account of your location and labour costs in that area.
  • The next step is to create a budget that includes all of the materials and labor required for each phase of construction. This should include everything from the foundation to the roof, as well as any electrical, plumbing and cost for connecting any services.
  • At the beginning it's is best to work with a professional estimator who has experience in your region and can provide you with a detailed breakdown of the costs. They can help you determine the cost of permits and other fees, as well as any unforeseen expenses that may arise during construction.
  • Once you have created a budget, you can use it to determine the overall cost of construction. It's important not to forget any secondary costs such as insurance, financing, and marketing. By taking the time to carefully calculate the cost of constructing a building, you can ensure that your project is financially feasible and that you can complete it within your budget.
How does this calculator work?
  • This calculator uses machine learning on historic building construction project data to calculate a reasonable prediction for the cost and estimated construction programme a residential or office building. We use a linear regression approach on the datasets and apply any filters you may have selected to narrow down the dataset to only project types you are interested in.