AI for Design Management

Extract and search data from project reports and building codes

Automatically cross check if your project is compliant with regulations. Get all of your key details at the tips of your fingers.
Building codes
CAD drawings
Method statements
Risk assessments

Instantly answer questions about all your documents

Never flick through 1000's of pages of project report again

Upload docs & the archive self-organises

We keep all your data secure & private.
  • Sync with Autodesk Construction Cloud or Sharepoint.
  • Use your project AI to search all your project documents and instantly answer your question.
  • All answers provide the source of the information, opening the document at the correct page and section.
  • We filter and help categorise any relevant references between different document types.
Process huge repositories of information

Capable of understanding entire tender packages & archives

  • Our system is able to search and retrieve construction information, searching across thousands of documents at once.
  • Reading precisely across text and tables.
  • Our cutting-edge vision intelligence models are capable of reading even challenging formats such as handwritten or scanned text found in historic reports.
... key benefits
Only 40% of the key data on your project is captured and used by the right people at the right time.


cheaper tender preparation
"We can bid more competitively for projects with fewer key staff tied up with the preparation, by simply uploading the tender package."


less time searching for info
"Verifying project details against requirements like specs and sections of building codes is now a breeze"


better submission quality
"We can reuse verified details from our past projects to improve our submissions."


staff job satisfaction
" automatically builts an archive of project details meaning I don't need to tie my staff up with manual data entry."
Use cases

Instantly verify and clarify questions against building codes

  1. Building codes can be notoriously hard to navigate with hundreds of interlinked clauses and complex language.
  2. Upload sets of building codes to help you with navigating the complexity of these documents.
  3. Simply type key terms to create summaries and instructions of the clause sections you need.
  4. Automically open the section in the original document for easy cross checking.

Access all your specs & drawings whilst on the job site

  1. Inspections on the job site are a daily occurance and remembering to bring all the correct paperwork can be challenging, given elements on the project can be complex an interlinked.
  2. Needing to say things like "Let me check when I'm back in the office" or getting an answer wrong can slow down and disrupt key activities on site, or even have impacts on safety.
  3. With on your phone, simply type in key terms with natural language and find all the necessary paperwork.
  4. Our AI spins up and finds the answer and document you need.

Give your team an advantage over competition during tendering

  1. Tendering on construction projects often comes down to the price and quality of your proposal.
  2. This can mean if you study more options than your competition and find a better proposal than them you win the project.
  3. The challenge is... the tender package and information you need to study can be unmanageable in the time you have available.
  4. We help you analyse entire tender packages with AI to help your team cut to the information they need and study more options.
  5. Simply type key terms to search through all the tender package instantly.

Settle RFI's automatically by analysing all your documents & CAD

  1. Digging around for information in tender specs and project archives can be a huge drain of time for project managers who are already operating at max capacity.
  2. Modernise your project management by using to find ground truth on your project.
  3. Simply type in key terms related to the RFI in question and search your project archive automatically.
  4. Retrieve answers and documents and drawings related to your search.

Settle disputes and check your project against the underlying contract and specs

  1. Imagine if you had a helping hand to close out that list of disputed or snagging items.
  2. Using, gather facts from your contracts and specs to help you make the right decision and close out issues on your project.
  3. Simply search for key terms related to the item in question and retrieve references to it across multiple documents on your project.
  4. Think of as an analyst helping you to research facts from both your project working documents alongside your contracts and specs.
Optimised for mobile

Know everything about your project even whilst visiting site or in a meeting

Login securely from your web browser.
  • Never get caught out whilst your are on the job site or in a meeting.
  • Instantly search 1000's of project documents in seconds.
Modernize the way you work with your project information
Share and collaborate with others in your team
Trying to find key details in when under time pressure is a recipe for disaster is your secret weapon in the key moments of tender preparation and evaluation. Upload the tender package so the whole team can find details more efficiently in the limited time available.
Create smart searchable archives you can refer back to again & again
Avoid redesigning on every project by searching through details from your past projects to pull out reusable information.
Each project you work on adds to your overall knowledge base.
Answer technical questions and find links between your designs
Get instant answers, including in depth reference searches.
Our powerful referencing system indexes each construction document and categorises a list of references by relevance to any search query you make, showing how your designs are linked to other documents.
Our technology has been featured in:
cemex logo
builtworlds logo
structures inside logo
infrastructure logo
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