Choose your path towards using Construction AI Automation
$49 / user / month
$50 /month
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$83 / user / month
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Users 10 10 Custom
License period 12 months1 month rolling 12 months1 month rolling Custom
File storage 50GB10 files monthly 100GB10 files monthly Custom
Standard AI workflow runs Unlimited100 prompts monthly Unlimited100 prompts monthly Custom
Advanced AI workflow runs 0100 prompts monthly 2,000100 prompts monthly Custom
Sharing and collaboration
API access & integrations
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  • Fair and transparent pricing: Our prices start at $5 per document upload and decrease significantly with volume.
  • Pay for what you use: We can help organise and aggregate data from a particular stage of your project, without needing a subscription.
  • No lock in's: Any of the details and data we help you to capture can be sent into your preferred software via our API or Files.
$49 / month / user

Access to Standard Workflows

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10 users
50GB file storage
Unlimited Standard Workflow Runs
0 Advanced Workflow Runs
Sharing and collaboration
$83 / month / user

Access to Advanced Workflows

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10 users
100GB file storage
Unlimited Standard Workflow Runs
2,000 Advanced Workflow Runs
Sharing and collaboration
API Access

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  • Custom licenses
  • Custom file uploads
  • Custom AI prompts
  • Upload design reports
  • Upload CAD
  • Upload Geotechnical reports
  • Custom filesizes
Frequently asked questions
Answers to common questions about our services for individuals and companies.

At we use a combination of LLM and construction specific vision intelligence AI models to complete tasks.

Unlimited standard workflow runs:

Standard workflows include searches of construction documents and any workflows built with our standard search and task blocks. You can run these an unlimited number of times!

Advanced workflow runs:

In some cases we need to use advanced AI models to help you achieve your objectives, for example extracting more complex information from CAD drawings and Geotechnical Reports. In these cases we have a credits system for each 'run' of these advanced pipelines. We will explain to you which workflows are classed as advanced during a demo call when we first start working together. We also provide additional quality assurance on outputs to make sure the data is exactly what you need.

Your uploaded data is stored within a relational database and cloud object storage with our best in class cloud infrastructure provider. All document data is anonymised and un-anonymised data is only viewable the user account from which the data was uploaded.

All data is transmitted through TLS and uses best practice encryption.

Yes you can automatically to delete any data you uploaded at any time by clicking the delete button when you are in your project database.

You can also write to us to request that we delete your data at any time and all data related to you will be deleted when you delete your account.

Data is stored securely on servers in the United States, by a vetted, best in class cloud infrastructure provider.

For businesses with data residency restrictions we can arrange to store data within your locality.

Yes, you certainly can.

Our system is currently optimised to process individual borehole record PDF's but you can also upload entire geo reports and we will extract the data.

We currently support any form of PDF document or report.

You can upload anything from contracts or specifications to design guides to fine tune your project AI and train it to answer questions on your documents. For geotechnical reports we can extract borehole data.

Our technology currently does not support the spatial interpretation of geometry and it does not support numerical reasoning and calculations.

For extraction of data from modern PDF's, we achieve over 95% accuracy inclding from complex table structures. For older PDF's (sampled before 1975) these are more challenging and such a high degree of accuracy cannot be guaranteed, but we are sure you will still be pleasantly surprised at how accurate the results are.

We use maximum payment security. If your card is not accepted firstly, disable your VPN or proxy server. Then make sure your name, CVC and postal code match the one on your payment card and of your bank account. Also your card country should be the same as your billing country. And finally make sure you enable 3D Secure or similar authentication on your card with your bank.

We are not currently hiring but always interested to meet new and interesting people for potential future collaborations. We suggest that you join our Discord community and introduce yourself and we can take it from there.

The discord community is also a great place to meet other like-minded digital engineers and share your ideas and we host online events from time to time.

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