Choose your path towards using Construction AI Automation
$190 one time payment
$50 /month
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Rolling 1 month Access all our resources
Professional training certificate:
Licenses 1 Custom
All licenses include 12 months of access to our software suite
License period 12 months1 month rolling Custom
File uploads 50 files10 files monthly Custom
AI Prompts 500 prompts100 prompts monthly Custom
File types supported Construction Proposals Building codes CAD drawings Construction Proposals Building codes CAD drawings Geotech reports
Max file size 32MB Custom
Share projects with your colleagues
API access & integrations
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  • Fair and transparent pricing: Our prices start at $5 per document upload and decrease significantly with volume.
  • Pay for what you use: We can help organise and aggregate data from a particular stage of your project, without needing a subscription.
  • No lock in's: Any of the details and data we help you to capture can be sent into your preferred software via our API or Files.
Training & educational license

Access our AI in Construction Specialist Qualification + 12 months of access to everything on

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  • 1 license
  • 100 files per month
  • 50 file uploads
  • 500 AI prompts
  • Upload design reports
  • Upload CAD
  • Upload Geotechnical reports
  • 32MB filesize limit

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  • Custom licenses
  • Custom file uploads
  • Custom AI prompts
  • Upload design reports
  • Upload CAD
  • Upload Geotechnical reports
  • Custom filesizes