Algorithmic checking

Automatically check your construction plans

Instantly check between a construction proposal and project requirements to highlight non-compliances or improvements.
Tender submissions
Method statements
Building permit application

Instantly answer questions about all your documents

Significantly improve submission quality, save hours of senior staff checking time

Step 1

Drag & drop documents with requirements related to the section of work

We keep all your data secure & private.
  • Type in your query or keywords to generate answers.
  • All answers provide the source of the information, opening the document at the correct page and section.
  • We filter and help categorise any relevant references.
Step 2

Upload proposals, list non-compliances & improvements automatically

We keep all your data secure & private.
  • Type in your query or keywords to generate answers.
  • All answers provide the source of the information, opening the document at the correct page and section.
  • We filter and help categorise any relevant references.
Step 3

Snip sections of your plans to double check compliance of specific sections

We keep all your data secure & private.
  • Type in your query or keywords to generate answers.
  • All answers provide the source of the information, opening the document at the correct page and section.
  • We filter and help categorise any relevant references. case study
Example of the savings over 3 months on the design of a $520 million infrastructure project.


queries answered
"We mainly use for retrieving information across multiple of our 400+ page tender specifications helping us check our proposals."

15 minutes

saved per query
"As a conservative estimate we saved 15 minutes per query, in certain cases like when questions arise during site visits it has saved us significantly more than this."


answer accuracy
"Auto checking our plans against tender specs is a game changer, the only improvement in accuracy we would like to see is more data captured from CAD drawings."


return on investment
"You can't put a ROI on promoting project safety, but this is based upon the efficiency time cost saving and not considering any rework savings."
Use cases

Generate comment sheets automatically

  1. Checking propsals like designs, method statements and technical reports against codes of practice is time consuming and error prone.
  2. Upload your codes of practice and your propsals to start checking.
  3. Flag up problems including requirements which may have been overlooked and mistakes within sections already added.
  4. Flick between the proposal and codes of practice via a referencing system linking between sections of proposal and sections of requirements.

Find quality non-compliances in tender submissions

  1. Alongside price, tendering quality is an important consideration during tender review.
  2. Analyse tender submissions to flag up sections of work not aligned with requirements in tender specifications.
  3. Generate lists of non compliances automatically or select specific sections of submissions to check against specs.

Flag up issues & improve permit application quality

  1. It's not uncommon for permit applications to go through multiple rounds of comments and checks before acceptance.
  2. Reduce the time spent relying on human checking to spot everything and flag up major issues early on.
  3. Find hidden mistakes which affect permit approvals by comparing entire submissions to requirements.
Review proposals with algorithmic checking
Share and collaborate with others in your team
Trying to find key details in when under time pressure is a recipe for disaster is your secret weapon in the key moments of tender preparation and evaluation. Upload the tender package so the whole team can find details more efficiently in the limited time available.
Create smart searchable archives you can refer back to again & again
Avoid redesigning on every project by searching through details from your past projects to pull out reusable information.
Each project you work on adds to your overall knowledge base.
Answer technical questions and find links between your designs
Get instant answers, including in depth reference searches.
Our powerful referencing system indexes each construction document and categorises a list of references by relevance to any search query you make, showing how your designs are linked to other documents.
Our technology has been featured in:
cemex logo
builtworlds logo
structures inside logo
infrastructure logo
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