AI for Construction Risk Assessments

Draft risk assessments from bid documents

Upload your tender specs, drawings and site investigations to create a first draft risk matrix by identifying risks and mitigations.

Draft risk assessments from bid documents

Workflow output:

Task description:
  • Quality Engineers and bid teams have the difficult task of needing to study thousands of pages of documents and drawings looking for risks.
  • Critical risks can be listed in drawing notes or labels or within site survey results and unearthing these risks can be assisted with AI.
  • Bring key risks to the surface with pre-loaded searches of tenders.

Who is this template for:

Bidding Manager
Project Manager
Quality Engineers

Documents required to use template:

Tender Specifications
HSE Documents
Site investigations

How to use this workflow:

Step 1

Create a project and upload your documents

We keep all your data secure & private.
  1. Create a new project or select from a project already existing on your account.
  2. Click the 'upload documents' dropdown and drag and drop the documents you want to use in this workflow.
Step 2

Select the workflow template and add your custom searches

  1. Click the workflows tab and select the workflow you need to use.
  2. Check that the input documents select are the files you want to reference.
  3. Customise any steps in the workflow if needed and save your own version of the template.
  4. View all templates
Step 3

Run your AI workflow and view or download results

  1. Click run to generate results automatically, all results are sent to the 'Ouputs' tab in your project.
  2. After the workflow has finished running you will be notified by email and you can view the output of the task.
  3. View references to trace results to the original source. case study
Example of the savings over 3 months on the design of a $520 million infrastructure project.


AI prompts
"We mainly use for retrieving information across multiple of our 400+ page tender specifications helping us check our proposals."

15 minutes

saved per prompt
"As a conservative estimate we saved 15 minutes per prompt, in certain cases like when questions arise during site visits it has saved us significantly more than this."


results accuracy
"Auto checking our plans against tender specs is a game changer, the only improvement in accuracy we would like to see is more data captured from CAD drawings."


return on investment
"You can't put a ROI on promoting project safety, but this is based upon the efficiency time cost saving and not considering any rework savings."
Extra features
Use a library of pre-built workflows
  • Select a workflow from the gallery of pre-built templates
  • Update the template to add or remove steps which the AI needs to complete
  • Run the workflow to start generating results automatically
Share your custom app with others
  • Save the AI workflow to your team account
  • Give others in your team permission to run your workflow
  • Share outputs and your results with others in your team
Connect data between tools via API
  • Get started by manually uploading documents to your AI workflow.
  • Automate everything further by connecting your workflow into your existing software.
  • Pull information in via API or push results back into your other software.

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  • Enroll on the AI in Construction Specialist Certification.
  • Packed with 3 years of our research building AI for Construction
  • Learn about how AI apps like work, strategies to implement AI on your project and even how to build your own applications.
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