AI for Geotechnical Lab Test Results

Extract data from Lab Testing Results

Say goodbye to manual transcription of complex geotechnical and environmental laboratory test results. Convert PDF results into structured data

AI for Geotechnical & Environmental Lab Tests

Workflow output:

Task description:
  • Lab tests can include 1000's of pages of results which Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists and Environmental Consultants need to process and understand.
  • Extract tables of results automatically with this AI workflow template.

Who is this template for:
Geotechnical Engineers
Environmental Consultants

Geotechnical Reports
Lab Test Results


How to use this workflow:

Step 1

Create a project and upload your documents

We keep all your data secure & private.
  1. Create a new project or select from a project already existing on your account.
  2. Click the 'upload documents' dropdown and drag and drop the documents you want to use in this workflow.
Step 2

Select the workflow template and add your custom searches

  1. Click the workflows tab and select the workflow you need to use.
  2. Check that the input documents select are the files you want to reference.
  3. Customise any steps in the workflow if needed and save your own version of the template.
  4. View all templates
Step 3

Run your AI workflow and view or download results

  1. Click run to generate results automatically, all results are sent to the 'Ouputs' tab in your project.
  2. After the workflow has finished running you will be notified by email and you can view the output of the task.
  3. View references to trace results to the original source.

Use cases for lab testing data extraction

Unforseen ground conditions are one of the biggest risks to successfully bidding and delivering infrastructure projects.

Minimise the risk costly surprises with your site by assimilating and analysing your data for risks.

The quality and availability of your geotech data is an edge over your competition.

Invest in the quality of your geotechnical to give you confidence to optimise your designs and deliver more on your projects.

Use AI to gather and structure data from numerous different sources.

Convert entire PDF geotechical reports into geo-referenced digital boreholes plotted on your private map.

Download your data in AGS formats ready for integrating into OpenGround and Leapfrog.

We save your staff's time by eliminating manual transcription of borehole data.

Our solution is 80% cheaper than asking your Engineers and Geologists to manually transcribe boreholes themselves. pays for itself on your first project (not considering all our other features).

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Free AI training

Get started with our free AI in construction training course

  • Enroll on the AI in Construction Specialist Certification.
  • Packed with 3 years of our research building AI for Construction
  • Learn about how AI apps like work, strategies to implement AI on your project and even how to build your own applications.
Learn more
Frequently asked questions
Answers to common questions about our services for individuals and companies.

Searching for technical information across construction project reports and drawings is a drain on resources with a reported 40% of construction data being used by the right people at the right time.

This is especially true in time restricted activities such as tendering for new projects or evaluating tender submissions.

Working mainly on tender support we have proven to save up to 20% of the resource cost needed on the project.

By helping your team members get access to specifications, building codes, CAD and drawing information we've also found improves submission quality and overall team morale as less time is spent on repetitive and manual tasks.

We also include our online AI in Construction Training Course with all our software licenses, meaning in the worst case you are upskilling your staff with relevant industry skills whilst testing a real AI solution.

Your uploaded data is stored within a relational database and cloud object storage with our best in class cloud infrastructure provider. All document data is anonymised and un-anonymised data is only viewable the user account from which the data was uploaded.

All data is transmitted through TLS and uses best practice encryption.

Yes you can automatically to delete any data you uploaded at any time by clicking the delete button when you are in your project database.

You can also write to us to request that we delete your data at any time and all data related to you will be deleted when you delete your account.

Data is stored securely on servers in the United States, by a vetted, best in class cloud infrastructure provider.

For businesses with data residency restrictions we can arrange to store data within your locality.

Yes, you certainly can.

Our system is currently optimised to process individual borehole record PDF's but you can also upload entire geo reports and we will extract the data.

We currently support any form of PDF document or report.

You can upload anything from contracts or specifications to design guides to fine tune your project AI and train it to answer questions on your documents. For geotechnical reports we can extract borehole data.

Our technology currently does not support the spatial interpretation of geometry and it does not support numerical reasoning and calculations.

For extraction of data from modern PDF's, we achieve over 95% accuracy inclding from complex table structures. For older PDF's (sampled before 1975) these are more challenging and such a high degree of accuracy cannot be guaranteed, but we are sure you will still be pleasantly surprised at how accurate the results are.

We use maximum payment security. If your card is not accepted firstly, disable your VPN or proxy server. Then make sure your name, CVC and postal code match the one on your payment card and of your bank account. Also your card country should be the same as your billing country. And finally make sure you enable 3D Secure or similar authentication on your card with your bank.

We are not currently hiring but always interested to meet new and interesting people for potential future collaborations. We suggest that you join our Discord community and introduce yourself and we can take it from there.

The discord community is also a great place to meet other like-minded digital engineers and share your ideas and we host online events from time to time.

civil engineering python community

Our technology has been featured in:
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